My name is Andrew Smith and my topic was to cover some of the technological advances to the game of Basketball and to see if it really has improved the game. A little about myself first, I am 20 year old and not only am I very into technology, but I'm also a very big Basketball fan. So this was an easy choice for me. 

Now onto what I really learned during my research. Before I started this I thought I had a pretty good idea of some of the tech behind the game, but in reality, I hadn't even scratched the surface. What I thought initially was things like scoreboards, shot clocks, advertisements and social media expanding the game. But what I discovered were innovations right out of a science fiction movie, Balls that had a mind of your own, incredible measurement tools in sneakers and backboards. I did not realize how cutting edge some of these advances were. From dedicated companies to technological advances in basketball, to Nike making smart shoes that measure a players movement. wristbands that measure their vital signs to improve health and fitness. These are advances that don't just improve the game for the fans at home or in the stands, but the youth growing up trying to strive for improvement and having a good time playing a game they love. 

If any readers are interested in how they can learn more about this topic, Nike has an excellent conference coming up in Oregon where they release teasers and demos of their latest products. They also host basketball clinics around the country where players can sample some of their great technology and learn a thing or two.